First premiered in October 2015 at Ken Unsworth Studio in Alexandria, Sydney.
DEPARTURES celebrates the 10th creative performance collaboration between Ken Unsworth and Anca Frankenhauser, Susan Barling, Patrick Harding Irmer and Ross Philip who are the Australian Dance Artists.
Ken provided the title as well as certain scenarios to which we choreographed and created a visual dance landscape. Certain images or moments in each scene were reverent to Ken’s imagining, but many times we would re-imagine to the music and the generic concept of the title.
Ken is also a lover of music as we are, especially live, and he commissioned an original score from English composer Jonathan Cooper with whom we have worked closely since 2009. Collaborations are always a two-way process, even more so when other contributors are involved. This was evident in the latter part of rehearsals when, some musical changes had to be made to accommodate the way the choreography had evolved.
Departures is the most elaborate of our set-oriented works presented in Ken’s studio. These set installations are conceived and designed by Ken and then realized by the technical production team.
The premiere season of Departures received embracing and very positive comments from professional theatre commentators and it is with great pleasure that we announce the return of Departures for its 2nd season at the Ken Unsworth Studio April 1-5, 2016, by invitation only.
Links to reviews